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  3. Release Agent
  4. Chemlease R&B EZ [3.5KG]

Chemlease R&B EZ [3.5KG]

dentro de 24 horas listo para envíodentro de 24 horas listo para envío **
Precios escalados
desde 2 piezas$223.98 - Usted se ahorro $17.00, Precio base: $44.80 / litros
desde 4 piezas$218.36 - Usted se ahorro $22.62, Precio base: $43.67 / litros
desde 8 piezas$212.48 - Usted se ahorro $28.50, Precio base: $42.50 / litros
desde 12 piezas$208.10 - Usted se ahorro $32.88, Precio base: $41.62 / litros

Barrel á 3.5 kg


Release Agent

Chemlease R&B EZ [3.5KG]

Semi-permanent release agent


Chemlease® R&B EZ is a unique HAPs-free* semi-permanent mold release developed specifically for the composite molding industry. It may be used with a variety of molding resins including, but not limited to, polyester, vinyl ester, DCPD, Phenolic, epoxy and BMI.

Chemlease® R&B EZ provides higher slip and is used primarily for closed molding of abrasive, low draft parts, where a quality finish is still required.

* HAPs are not formula constituents of this product. Standard manufacturing processes may result in trace quantities [<0 .1%] of HAPs.


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